| MIL-S-51368B(EA),2 Duct-reducing adapter, duct-12 inch cap, M11 Decontaminating
Apparatus, tent pins, log book, technical publications, portable toilet,
rod, holding tool handle and driving head (PL5-19-6821). The technical
publications (consolidate ) and the log book shall be individually
packaged method IC-3 of MIL-P-116. The remaining- items except for the
M11 Decon and portable toilet shall be individually packaged method III
of MIL-P-116. Items supplied in commercial packages and Government
furnished items already packaged are not required to be repackaged pro-
viding the packaging meets the requirements of packaging method III of
MIL-P-116. The M11 Decon (with its holding bracket already removed from
the package and assembled on the trailer) and the portable toilet with
its accessories shall be removed from their packages and the package
materials discarded, Consolidate the items as follows: inclose the
duct-reducing adapter, duct-12 inch cap, tent pins, M11 Decon, and
portable toilet with its accessories in a weather-resistant, fiberboard
box conforming to type CF, variety SW, grade W5c, style RSC of PPP-B-636
with inside dimensions of 20-3/4 by 15-1/2 by 7-1/4 inches (length, width
and depth, respectively ). The holding tool handle, driving head and rod
(attach driving head to rod) shall be packaged together in a weather-
resistant fiberboard box ass specified above, except the inside dimensions
shall be 37-1/2 by 5 by 5 inches. Cushioning material conforming to type
II, class B of PPP-C-843 or PPP-C-1120 shall be included, as necessary in
the consolidated packages to prevent movement of the contents. The boxes
shall be closed anti strapped in accordance with the closure requirements
for weather-resistant boxes in the appendix to PPP-B-636. Evacuation manifold assembly, reps'ir kit (inflatable shelter),
zipper transition, and pouch and cover assembly (PL5-19-6822). These items
shall be packaged in accordance with MIL-S-51422. Filter assembly, gas partictiate, (less filters) (E5-19-4917).
A wood filler fabricated in accordance with C5-19-6531 shall be secured in
place with the fasteners provided. Filter unit,gas-partictiate, entrance, (less filters) (E5-19-
A wood filler fabricated in accordance with C5-19-5078 shall be
secured in place with fasteners provided. Filter, gas, (E5-19-5 211-20) and filter, gas (E5-19-5211-1O).
These filters shall be packaged and marked as specified in MIL-F-51369. Filter, particulate, ( C5-19-5209-20) and filter, particulate
(C5-19-5209-1O) . These filters shall be packaged and marked as specified
in MIL-F-51366.
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