| ![]() MIL-S-62469(AT) Payload and speeds. Highway operation test. To determine conformance to, the trailer shall be
operated as specified on paved and gravel roads and observed for towing and performance
requirements. Cross-country operation test. To determine conformance to, the trailer
shall be operated over cross-country terrain as specified without damage to the trailer or the
towing vehicle. Gradeability. Longitudinal inclines test. The trailer connected to the prime mover shall
longitudinally ascend and descend a 20 percent grade without weaving to an extent affecting the
controllability of the vehicle combination as specified in Side slope test. To determine conformance to, the tractor-trailer
combination shall be operated on a right and left side 20 percent grade slope without slipping or
upsetting. Braking. Service brakes test. To determine conformance to, the tractor trailer
combination with maximum payload shall be accelerated up to 20 mph on a dry, smooth, level,
hard-surfaced road free from loose materials and the brakes applied. The tractor-trailer
combination must stop in not more than 50 feet from point of application of the brake pedal. Automatic brake actuation test. To determine conformance to, the
semitrailer with maximum payload shall be towed to a 30 percent grade and the intervehicular air
lines shall be disconnected for 15 minutes while the front of the trailer is pointed upgrade, and
15 minutes while the front of the trailer is pointed downgrade. The automatically actuated brakes
shall hold the trailer for the period of time indicated without slippage or movement of the trailer. Turning ability test. To determine conformance to 3.5.7, the tractor-trailer
combination on a flat level surface shall assume a 90 degree angle both to the right and left
without cramping or damage to either. Fording ability test. To determine conformance to 3.5.8, the trailer shall be placed in
or towed into water with a depth of 30 inches for 15 minutes without special preparation. All
sealed items and bearings shall be examined for water impingement beyond the 2 percent allowed
for wheal bearings and none allowed for brake actuator seals. Disassembly to the extent
necessary for inspection shall be conducted.
4.8.12 Painting, marking, and identification plates. Painting. To determine conformance to 3.6.1, preparation and painting shall be
examined during and after application.
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