| ![]() MIL-T-17491H(SA)
Table II.
Lifting requirements
3.6.2 Maximum load. The truck frame, forks, and related structures shall be
capable of withstanding 200 percent of rated load, with forks elevated to
maximum lift height, with no evidence of permanent deformation exceeding 1/16
inch (1.6 mm) or failure when tested as specified in
3.6.3 Shock load. The truck when loaded with 150 percent of rated load and
traveling at a speed of 2 miles per hour (mph) (3.2 km/hr) shall show no
permanent deformation, failure, or settling in excess of 1/16 inch (1.6mm0
when tested as specified in
3.6.4 Pallet entry and withdrawal. The truck shall be capable of complete
entry into and withdrawal from an empty double faced, 4-way staandard military
pallet conforming to MIL-P-15011, without moving the pallet more than 6 inches
(152 mm) in either direction or dragging the ends of the forks along the bottom
face of the top boards, when tested as specified in
3.6.5 Steering. The truck with rated load and the handle in the towing
position shall not require a force in excess of 15 pounds (6.8 kg) for size A
trucks to turn the steering assembly when tested as specified in Steer handle. The handle shall withstand a minimum force of 300
pounds (136 kg) applied horizontally to the handle with handle being pulled
toward the forks from the handle normal upright position as specified in 3.5.5.
No part of the steering assembly shall show any evidence of failure when tested
as specified in
3.6.6 Hydraulic system. The hydraulic system shall show no evidence of
leakage, malfunction, or permanent deformation when tested in accordance with, and
3.6.7 Rolling force. The maximum force required to pull the truck shall not
be greater than 3 percent of the combined weight of the load and truck when
tested as specified in
3.6.8 Stopping distance. The truck brakes shall be capable of stopping and
holding the truck a a 6-degree slope with wheels at any attitude and with
truck carrying a 6000 lb (2720 kg) load on a pallet and forks raised to maximum
height. Tire treads shall not be used as a braking surface. The brake shall
prevent uncontrolled movement of the truck when in a stored position. Braking
shall be deadman type and shall be controlled by a mechanism in the handle
which shall be comfortably operated by a man witha gloved hand. The force
required to actuate the mechanism that disengagesthe brakes shall not exceed
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