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is submitted and corrective actions have been
appear clearly defined when observed in a
taken to eliminate deficiencies.
darkened area, utilizing Instrument Light
M42 or equivalent.
4.3.2 Control samples. After acceptance of
the initial production sample, one telescope
3.10 Identification marking. Identification
from every 100 completed during production,
marking, unless otherwise specified shall be
or one each month, whichever occurs first,
in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-130.
shall be examined for compliance with 3.2
and 3.3.
4.4 Lot formation. Inspection lot sizes and
4.1 Responsibilities. The supplier is respon-
lot formation shall be in accordance with
sible for the performance of all inspection
Standard MIL-STD-105.
requirements as specified herein, Except as
otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize
4.4.1 Defective units and lots. Defective
his own or any other inspection facilities and
units. and lots shall be processed as specified
services acceptable to the Government. In-
in Standard MIL-STD-105.
spection records of the examination and tests
4.5 Material. Control of material shrill be
shall be kept complete and available to the
in accordance with test data requirements
Government as specified in the contract or
of Specification MIL-I-45208.
order. The Government reserves the right to
4.6 Inspection of components. Inspection
perform any of the inspections set forth in
requirements for component parts and sub-
the specification where such inspections are
assemblies are contained herein and on Sup-
deemed necessary to assure supplies and
plementary Quality Assurance Provisions
services conform to prescribed requirements.
(SQAP) listed in Supplementary Quality As-
4.2 General requirements. Inspection re-
surance Provisions List (LSQAP)-8286960
quirements and procedures shall be in ac-
for Telescope Elbow M92F or (LSQAP)-
cordance with Specification MIL-I-45208.
8299680 for Telescope Elbow M92D.
4.6.1 Contents of SQAP. The contents of
4.3 Initial production sample. Prior to pro-
SQAP shall represent the minimum inspec-
duction, the contractor shall submit the
tion requirements and shall be the basis for
initial production sample in accordance with
acceptance or rejection by lots of each com-
3.1 for inspection by the contractor under
ponent covered by a SQAP. The Govern-
the surveillance of the Government. This
ment reserves the right, however, to inspect
inspection shall be conducted at the con-
for the requirements of all drawings and
tractor's facility, or Government approved
laboratory, using test equipment authorized
specifications and to reject individual non-
conforming items.
for use on the contract. The sample shall be
inspected for all requirements of this spec-
4.6.2 Contractor's inspection for all com
ification by utilizing examination and test-
ponents not covered by SQAP. Inspection for
ing methods prescribed herein.
these components shall be in accordance
with the inspection procedures of the inspec-
4.3.1 Initial production sample failure.
tion system required by Specification MIL-
Should the production sample fail to pass the
I-45208. The system shall include procedures
prescribed tests, the contractor shall cease
for checking all positional and functional
those operations which are causing the re-
characteristics shown on the drawings
jection and shall make the necessary correc-
which indicate precision requiremnts and
tions. When corrections in the process have
have a bearing on the functional accuracy
been made, a new production sample shall
and performance of the telescope.
be examined and tested by the contractor
4.6.3 Inspection equipment. Inspection
under the surveillance of the Government.
equipment shall conform to drawings listed
Acceptance of production lots will not com-
in IEL-828690 for Telescope M92F and
mence until an acceptable production sample

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