| ![]() MIL-T-16365(MU).
cost and application of the product to be
IEL-8299680 for Telescope M92D except as
inspected, the Government shall be expedi-
provided for under the alternative inspection
tiously advised in order that necessary ap-
procedures and inspection equipment re-
propriate action can be taken.
quirement of Specification MIL-I-45208.
Provisions of Specification MIL-I-45607
4.7 Acceptance inspection.
shall apply to test equipment provided by
4.7.1 Classification of defects. The classifi-
the Government or provided by the contrac-
cation of defects in tables I and II shall
tor and utilized in the Government approved
constitute the minimum inspection require-
inspection system, The Government reserves
ments to be performed prior to acceptance
the right to use all approved test equipment
or rejection by lots, The AQL specified
both Government furnished and contractor
pertains to each individual characteristic
acquired, for verification inspection.
Samples selected for acceptance inspection
4.6.4 Accuracy requirements. Inspection
listed under table II shall include those
equipment which incorporates features for
samples used for acceptance inspection speci-
measuring values or sizes established by prod-
fied in table I.
uct requirements shall be capable of meas- Disposition of rejected lots. Re-
uring those values within an accuracy of
jected lots shall be screened for all defective
ten percent of the specified tolerance, except
characteristics. After corrections have been
as otherwise specified. In cases where the
made and the Government inspector in-
ten percent accuracy imposes impractical or
formed of the corrective action taken, the
very difficult design and fabrication prob-
lots shall be resubmitted for acceptance as
lems, or results in a test equipment cost
outlined in Standard MIL-STD-105.
factor which is exorbitant in relation to the
TABLE I Classification of defects.
USE inspection level II of table IIIA with sampling plan table IV-A of Standard MIL-STD-105.
Critical: None defined.
TABLE II. Classification of defects
Use inspection level L-6 of table IIIB with sampling plan table IVA of Standard MIL-STD-105.
Critical: None defined.
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