| ![]() MIL-T-62299B(AT)
* Lighting. Fluorescent lights in standard 1, 2, or 4 tube
fixtures shall be securely surface mounted on interior body ceiling
within plastic diffuser panels or beneath cabinets above work counters
to provide a minimum light density of 75 foot candles at working heights
in all parts of each area. Light fixtures shall be installed so that
working personnel will not cast a shadow on their work. Diffusers shall
be equipped with latching devices to prevent falling in transit.
Twelve-volt emergency dome lights shall be provided at each
entrance/exit door and within each exterior body compartment. The
lights shall be mounted by use of toggle bolts or plywood backing plates
not less than 3/4 inch thick. Generator. A 45 kW, 4-wire, 120/240-volt, 60 Hz, ac,
single phase generator shall be provided. The generator shall be shock
mounted on vibration isolators and shall be installed for easy
servicing. Generator --
. engine. The generator shall be driven by a
liquid cooled diesel engine. The generator engine shall have sufficient
output power to drive the generator to meet the requirements of
Fuel for the generator engine shall be supplied from the vehicle fuel
tanks. The engine shall. be equipped with starting battery, fuel pump,
air cleaner, and critical area silencer. The generator engine shall be
installed for proper heat and exhaust dissipation. The engine mounting
shall minimize transfer of vibration. A seamless exhaust section shall
connect the generator engine manifold with the intake of the critical
area silencer. A flexible, stainless steel exhaust section, not less
than five feet in length, shall be provided. The exhaust section shall
be equipped with a quick disconnect connector for extension of the
underbody exhaust line for additional. fume dissipation.
3.5. 5.3.2 Generator compartment. A generator compartment shall be
. .--
located at the rear of the vehicle. The ceiling and the back wall of
the compartment shall be surfaced with fireproof panel sheets secured to
0.090 inch thick aluminum panels or 12 gage (0.1046 inch) steel. panel
below the floor line and 24 gage (.0239 inch) steel panels above the
floor line. Hinged vent panels shall be provided at each side for
proper ventilation. The compartment shall be enclosed with not less
than l/2-inch thick Homesote, or equal, panels on the body interior and
surfaced with Formica, or equal, countertopping and paneling on the
interior walls. The area between the generator compartment and the body
interior walls shall be insulated. The compartment shall be accessible
from the rear of the vehicle via `hinged, louvered doors equipped with
flushmounted locks and holders for securing doors in open position.
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