| ![]() MIL-T-62357A
4.3.12 Failure. Failure of the first production vehicle to meet requirements of the contract
shall be cause for the Government to refuse acceptance of all vehicles under contract until
corrective action has been taken.
4.4 Inspection of production vehicles. The contractor's inspection system shall, as a
minimum, assure that the vehicle conforms to the physical and dimensional requirements and is
capable of meeting performance requirements contained herein. All tank trailers under contract
shall be tested for leaks as specified in 4.3.2. For each vehicle under contract, the contractor shall
make available to the Government, at the point of final acceptance, records acceptable to the
Government indicating that the servicing and adjusting required by 3.10 has been accomplished.
4.5 Certification. For each type II trailer, a manufacturer's certificate of compliance to DOT
Specification DOT 406, as defined in 178.345, shall be furnished, endorsed by the vehicle
contractor if different than the tank manufacturer, and securely stowed and shipped with the
vehicle together with instructions for the recipient regarding the certificate's retention and use.
The certificate shall bear, in addition to the signatures specified above, the typed and signed name
of the Government official accepting the vehicle.
5.1 Vehicle processing. The vehicle shall be processed for shipment, from the manufacturer's
plant to the initial receiving activity, in accordance with the manufacturer's standard commercial
6.1 Intended use. The vehicles covered by this specification are intended for general
nontactical use in transporting and dispensing: type I, potable water; type II, diesel fuel, oil and
similar liquids, but not gasoline (see 6.3).
6.2 Ordering data. Acquisition documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Type, size and model of trailer required (see 1.2, 1.21 and 1.2.2).
(c) Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation and if required, the specific issue of
individual documents referenced (see 2.1.1 and 2.2).
(d) Identification of appropriate service for treatment, painting, marking and data plates
(see and
(e) Rustproofing, if required (see
(f) Low profile tires, if required (see
(g) A spare wheel or rim, if required (see
(h) A spare tire, if required (see
(i) A spare tire carrier, if required (see
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