| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
(g) ACCEL (Acceleration) - The Acceleration Control shall be a
three -position toggle switch which shall be used to select simulated accele-
ration signals representative of vertical acceleration of +3g, level flight, or
Positions shall be marked +3, O, and -3.
(h) ALT (Altitude) - The Altitude Control shall be a two-position
toggle switch which shall be used to select simulated altitude (see section (i) signals representative of the aircraft altitudes to the
Positions shall be marked HIGH and LOW,
(i) MBC/GSO INPUTS (Main Beam Clutter/Ground Speed Oscillator
Inputs) - A two-position toggle switch shall be provided to switch from nor-
mal operation to variable simulation of Main Beam Clutter and Ground
(j) AIM 7/E (AN/AIM-7E) - The AN/AIM-7E Control shall be a white
pushbutton switch which shall be used to activate circuits which generate a
simulated missile identity signal (+28Vdc) to the Computer.
(k) MAN MB C (Manual Main B earn Clutter) - A 10-turn potentiometer
shall be provided for controlling variable simulation of Main Beam Clutter.
(1) MAN GRD SPEED (Manual Ground Speed) - A ten-turn potentio-
meter shall be provided "for controlling variable simulation of ground speed,
(m) LAT OFFSET CURSOR (Lateral Offset Cursor Signal) - The
Lateral Offset Cursor Signal Control shall be a three-position toggle switch
which shall be used to select simulated Lateral Offset Cursor signals of
6.25 miles right (lying on the 30-degree right line on the indicators), O mile
(line in the center of the indicators), or 6.25 miles left (lying on the
30-degree left line).
Positions shall be marked 30 RIGHT, ZERO, and
30 LEFT;
(n) DATA LINK - The Data Link switch shall be a white pushbutton
switch which applies a +28V signal to the Indicator Control Unit of the
radar to energize the circuits which enable the display of Data Link signals.
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