| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
(o) Data Link - The following test voltages shall be provided for
checking the display of signals which normally come from the One Way
Data Link.
+3.50 Vdc + 3 percent
(1) H
-8.73 Vdc + 3 percent
(2) Heading Error
-3.50 Vdc + 3 percent
(3) Target Relative Bearing
+8.45 Vdc + 3 percent when
(4) Range to target
loaded with 100k MCS Control Panel. Function.
This panel shall provide the structure and
mounting facilities for holding the RSC, the Selector-Test Programmer and
the Antenna Hand Contro1 (of 1527 Configuration) of the MCS. Form Factor.
This unit shall not exceed 19 inches by
11-7/8 inches by 14 inches. The weight of the unit shall not exceed 30
pounds. Controls. The controls provided shall be those controls
contained on the AN/APG-59 system units installed in the panel,
function of the FUNCTION control of the RSC will be modified as indicated.
(a) When this switch is moved from OFF to STBY, the Liquid Cooling
System and Blower Assembly of we Bench shall be energized immediately..
When interlocks on these units are satisfied, the system will be on Standby.
(b) WES - A lighted push-button switch shall be provided to control the
power to the Waveguide Extension (WE) 3.4. 3).
The light shall be illuminated
only if the W ES actually comes on. Manual Built-In-Test (BIT) Panel. Function.
This panel shall provide the following two
(a) Visual indication of the Selector -Test Programmer output control
(b) Means to initiate commands manually when the Selector-Test
Programmer is not being used, and to read out test points for monitoring
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