| ![]() MIL-T-81785C(AS)
(3) Verify receiver blanking operation.
Standard serial interface (SSI). Verify the logic level
states of all SSI output signals.
3.5 Workmanship.
3.6 Elements.
3.6.1 Console, Test Radio Frequency Transmitter OJ-247( )/AWM-23(V). The
equipment of this console shall be as specified in the following. Panel, Test, Noise Measurement ID-1860( )/AWM-23(V) (NMTP. The
NMTP shall provide capability to measure frequency modulation (FM) and ampli-
tude modulation (AM) on the X-band carrier frequencies when used in conjunction
with the spectrum analyzer ( . RF power meter. An RF power meter, General Microwave 460B-4, or
equivalent, shall be supplied and shall provide capability to perform the
Oscillator, Radio Frequency 0-1633( )/AWG-9 and Transmitter, Radar T-1224( )/
AWG-9 microwave output power measurements.
3.6.1-3 RF voltmeter. An RF voltmeter, Hewlett-Packard 3406A, or equiva-
lent, shall be supplied and shall provide capability to perform RF voltage
measurements during the Converter, Signal Data CV-2950( )/AWG-9 and CV-3225( )/
AWG-9 ripple and bandwidth tests. Panel, Coolant, Disconnect MX-9305( )/AWM-23(V). The coolant dis-
connect panel shall provide coolant fittings on the front panel and space
behind the panel for the bay structure mounted plumbing that controls and dis-
tributes the coolant. In addition, the panel assembly shall provide diverter
valve, manifold, and relief valve access. Mounting MT-4498( )/AWM-23(V). The mounting shall provide mounting
for the WRA under test and also provide the necessary electrical, air, and
coolant connections to the WRA under test (see 6.9)- Drawer, coolant drain. The coolant drain drawer shall provide the
capability to drain the liquid coolant from any one of the following WRAs:
Oscillator, Radio Frequency 0-1633( )/AWG-9, Transmitter, Radar T-1224( )/
AWG-9, Power Supplies PP-6770( )/AWG-9 and PP-6771( )/AWG-9, and Receiver,
Radar R-1785( )/AWG-9. The drawer shall be removable from the RFTS to permit
disposal of the liquid coolant (see 6.9). Panel, slave access. The slave access panel shall provide access
to mounting and connections (electrical and liquid coolant) for the beam,
collector, and solenoid power supplies
These power supplies shall provide
the high voltages and currents required for operating and testing of Trans-
mitter, Radar T-1224( )/AWG-9.
3.6. 1.7.1 Power S upply PP-6770( )/AWG-9. A collector power supply shall
be supplied and shall provide -12.5 kVdc collector power to the GTWT.
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