| MlLT81821
no suitable corresponding AN or MIL parts are in effect on the date of submittal of the basic Detail
Specification, commercial parts may be used, provided they conform to the requirements of this
specification. Where standard related end item parts are suitable for the purpose and economically
feasible, they may be used in lieu of military standard parts. Prototype or preproduction equipment. Nonrepresentative, prototype, or
preproduction equipment shall not be used in the construction of or supplied in support of the
items and services specified herein. All common related end item parts, components, and equipment
provided with, or utilized in the construction of the trainer panels shall be identical to the
equivalent operational related end item, system, subsystem, or equipment.
Related end item rejected/nonoperable parts Rejected/nonoperable parts, general.
may be used when use of such parts does not create a safety hazard to operating or maintenance
personnel; does not adversely affect the training capability; does not create unique maintenance,
supply or configuration requirements; and provided such use results in special consideration to the
Government. Rejected/nonoperable parts, Government approval. The utiIization by the
Contractor of available related end item rejected/nonoperable parts in accordance with,
shall be proposed to the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) for approval contingent upon
If approved by the ACO, such rejected or
appropriate consideration to the Government.
nonoperable parts shall be marked as specified in, incorporated in the trainer panels
specified herein and subsequently reported to the Procuring Activity in accordance with 3.4.7.
Trainer peculiar fasteners used to secure removable components, Fasteners.
casters, access doors and other detachable items shall require a minimum number of turns to the
locked position commensurate with stress requirements. Captive type one-quarter (1/4) turn
fasteners shall be used where feasible. Modification of Government-furnished property.
Government-furnished property
may be modified or cut away, if practicable, to aid in simulation of related end item system
operation or to increase the instructional value of the trainers. Alteration of operable system components. When it is necessary to alter operable
system components (such as hydraulic pumps, pressure switches, and indicators) for trainer use, a
notation to that effect shall be included in the trainer Detail Specification with an explanation of
the changes made and the trainer MOMI shall include data and modification instructions in
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