| ![]() MIL-T-82571A (OS)
The condition of the tube when weapons are in-
3.3.5 Loaded condition.
stalled in the barrels.
3.4 Performance requirements and product characteristics. Torpedo Tube
Assembly Mk 32 Mod 9 shall meet the following performance requirements and
product characteristics:
3.4.1 Hydrostatic pressure, breech mechanisms. The breech mechanisms shall
withstand a hydrostatic pressure of 4500 plus 20 minus O psig Without failure
of any part.
3.4.2 High pressure pneumatic system pressure drop. The pneumatic system
of each barrel of the torpedo tube, minus the breech mechanism, shall be at-
tached to a 2000 psi air source through a 0.024 inch diameter orifice. With
the securing mechanism removed and the manifold nipple blanked off, the pres-
sure in the pneumatic system of each barrel shall stabilize at 1350 psig min-
imum. With the securing mechanism installed, the pressure shall. stabilize
at 750 psig minimum. At the completion of this test there shall be no defor-
mation or failure of any part of the pneumatic system.
The low-pressure
3.4.3 Hydrostatic pressure, low Pressure pneumatic system.
pneumatic system of each barrel shall withstand a hydrostatic pressure of 225
psig without failure of any part.
3.4.4 Breech mechanism air loss. When the four breech mechanisms are
initially charged to 2000 psig, allowed to cool, and are then bled down to i600
plus or minus 10 psig, the air loss shall, after 24 hours, not exceed 5 per-
cent air pressure.
3.4.5 Bore size of barrel. Each barrel shall pass a "GO" gage (NAVORD Dwg
2320787) with an axial force not to exceed 150 pounds.
Circuitry shall be in accordance with NAVORD
3.4.6 Electrical circuitry.
Drawing 1448418.
3.4.7 Dielectric strength. Electrical circuitry of the tube, with the
exception of the muzzle door heater circuit, shall withstand the application
of a 1000 volt ac potential between mutually insulated terminals and ground
for one minute minimum without insulation breakdown. The applied rate shall
not exceed 500 volts/second. The muzzle door heater circuit shall withstand
the application of a 500 volt ac potential between input leads and ground
for one minute minimum without insulation breakdown.
3.4.8 Insulation resistance. Immediately following the dielectric test,
the insulation resistance between the hi-potted points in the muzzle door heater
circuit shall be 1 megohm minimum at 500 volts dc, and in the remaining cir-
cuitry it shall be 3 megohms minimum at 500 volts dc.
3.4.9 Muzzle door heater operating current. The current drawn by each
muzzle door heater circuit shall not exceed 8.4 amperes.
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