| ![]() MIL-V-81995(AS)
Marking of product. The military part number shall
not be used by the manufacturer on a valve until notification has been
received in writing from the qualifying activity that the valve has been
approved for use on Navy aircraft.
Marking of parts. Each part and assembly shall be
marked with its part number and drawing revision symbol where applicable,
which shall be the same as the drawing number, except the following:
Those parts which do not have a suitable or sufficient
surface for a part number.
Those parts which are permanently assembled by
welding, brazing, soldering, or riveting shall carry the assembly part
Part number. The part number shall, when practicable,
be located to permit its being read after assembly of the complete unit.
The marking shall be such that it will not be effaced as a result of
service usage during the life of the part.
Part number and parts list.
Part numbers. Valve part numbers are not to be
coded to describe part characteristics and shall be limited to a maxium
of 10 digits or characters. All parts shall be marked with the latest
drawing revision letter or number to which the part was made.
Parts list. A parts list is a tabulation of the
items necessary to fabricate or assemble the valve to which the list
applies. The parts list for the valve which is granted qualification
approval based on (1) the satisfactory completion of the qualification
tests and (2) the approval of the qualification test detail inspection
and test report by the qualifying activity shall constitute the approved
parts list for any subsequent valve of the same model to be delivered to
the Government. All parts shall be marked directly with an identification
number and the vendor or fabrication source of that particular part,
unless othewise specified in the parts list. The contractor shall
assign an item configuration control number to the valve configured by
the approved parts list, and this number together with the approved
parts list shall be continuously updated to reflect the incorporation of
Class I or Class II engineering changes approved by the qualifying
activity. This item configuration control number will be used to identify
the valves to be delivered and will also be used for final acceptance.
The approved parts list shall be prepared in accordance with Chapter 3
of MIL-STD-1OO and this list shall also show the latest drawing revision
letter or number used to manufacture the part incorporated in the valve
at the time of acceptance. The use of the so-called "clip system" of
attaching engineering change forms to the applicable drawing in lieu of
showing the change(s) in the body of the drawing will not be permitted.
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