| ![]() MIL-V-85033A(AS)
herein, temperature stabilization will have been attained when the
indicated temperature of the surface of the largest mass of the
test item does not change more than 2.8C (5F) in a period of
one hour.
Room ambient to 95 percent relative humidity.
Altitude. Unless otherwise specified herein, testing shall be per-
formed at normal ground elevation.
Test gas. The test gas shall be nitrogen in accordance with BB-N-
411, Type 1, Class I, Grade A.
Test fixture. A high-strength, corrosion-resistant fixture shall
be utilized for mating with the charging valve outlet port. The
fixture shall have a charging valve port in accordance with
DL 58A164D556 and an open port for gas transfer. The charging
valve shall be torqued to the fixture. The test fixture shall
be used for all tests of 4.6.3, 4.6.4, 4.6.5 and 4.6.6.
Torque requirements. The installation torque for the charging
valve to the receiver assembly or test fixture shall be 275
25 inch-pounds. The closing torque shall be applied clockwise
at 50 5 inch-pounds.
Volume and flow. When required, all volume and flow measurements
shall be corrected to normal temperature and barometric pressure
(NPT) conditions. NPT conditions are 760 millimeters (29.92
inches) of mercury and 21.1C (70F).
4.4 First article inspection. First article inspection shall consist of
the tests outlined in Table I. The procuring activity reserves the right to
delete tests and alter the test sequence of Table I (see 6.2.1). First article
approval is valid only on the contract or purchase order under which it is
granted, unless extended by the Government to other contracts or purchase
4.4.1 Charging valve samples. First article charging valve samples shall
consist of the first four charging valves manufactured on the contract or
purchase order. The charging valves shall be permanently labeled for ease of
identification and shall be produced with equipment and procedures that will
be used for the production of all the charging valves designated in the con-
tract or purchase order. Prior to submission, the contractor shall inspect
the samples to the degree necessary to assure that they conform to the re-
quirements of the contract and prepare a first article test report of this
inspection with the samples, including statements of findings and certificates
of conformance for materials, cleanliness, and tests A through F of Table I.
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