| ![]() MIL-W-44167B(GL)
stainless steel conforming to ASTM A 240 or ASTM A 276, as applicable. The
rear wall of the shell shall be fabricated using a minimum of .120 inch thick
stainless steel.
3.3.2 Drive shaft. The drive shaft shall be 303 stainless steel
conforming to AST\M A 582.
3.3.3 Washer door. The washer door shall be cast nickel plated bronze or
stainless steel . The door glass shall be suitable for high thermal and
mechanical shock.
3.3.4 Valves and pipe fittings. The air actuated cylinders for the drain
valve and all internal components of the drain valves shall be fabricated
using stainless steel or steel hadware, cadmium plated conforming to
ASTM A 165. The drain valve bodies shall be malleable iron and galvanized.
Valves shall be designed to provide maximum drain welter flow. Cross-
sectional area through the open drain valve shall be sufficient to pass a
3 inch sphere through the valve without obstruction. All piping shall be
threaded zinc coated steel pipe conforming to ASTM A 120. Pipe fittings
shall be threaded zinc coated steel conforming to WW-P-521, type II. All
plating or galvanizing shall be performed after any machining.
3.3.5 Gaskets.
All gaskets shall be neoprene. No fiber gaskets will be
allowed .
3.4 Alternate materials and components. Materials and components off ered
as equivalents to those specified herein and on the applicable drawings shall
be equal in form, fit, and function to the specified materials or
components. The incorporation of such materials or components in the design
of the specified open end washer shall not require modification or change in
location of any other material or component, unless such a modification is
specifically approved in writing by the contracting officer. Prior to
commencing production the contractor shall submit for the contracting
off icer's approval, a list identifying each alternate material or component,
together with proof that each listed material or component complies with the
requirements listed herein. The contracting officer, at his option, may
require a physical sample of the proposed substitution. Approval of the
submitted listing, together with the necessary supporting data does not
relieve the contractor of the responsibility that the materials and
components shall perform in accordance with specified requirements when
incorporated into the trailer mounted laundry washing machine.
3.5 Design and construction. Design and construction of the trailer
mounted laundry washing machine shall be as specified herein and on Drawing
6-1-9944 and all subsidiary drawings and parts list pertaining thereto.
3.5.1 Washing machine. The washing machine shall be an open end type,
capable of precessing not less than a 60 pound load of any type of fabric
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