| ![]() MIL-W-48299 (AR)
4.5.5 Expulsion Assembly Charge Weight (see Dwg. 9271935).-
This test shall be performed using equipment in accordance with
4.4.4. Two expulsion assemblies shall be selected for each
eight hours' production of these assemblies. Each assembly
shall be subjected to a charge weight test. If either sample
contains a charge out of tolerance, the preceding eight hours
of production shall be rejected. Charge weight (less container
and cover, Dwg. 9271935) shall be determined by a simple weigh-
ing operation of each individual charge in the sample.
values shall be recorded.
4.5.6 Static Fire Test Conditioning.- .-Twenty-four (24) warheads, less
fuze XM439, shall be selected and static fired from each lot.
The twenty-four warhead samples shall be tested at three tem-
peratures; eight warheads at -32 degrees C., eight warheads at
+46 degrees C., and eight warheads at +63 degrees C. This
test shall be performed using equipment in accordance with 4.4.4.
Each warhead assembly (less simulated fuze/detonator assembly)
selected for test shall be conditioned to assure a uniform
temperature throughout its entire mass at the time of firing.
Minimum conditioning time shall be eight hours. Maximum con-
ditioning time shall be twenty-four hours. Prior to Static
Firing, each warhead assembly (less simulated fuze/detonator
assembly) shall receive an electrical resistance test. A war-
head assembly not static fired at six minutes or more after
removal from the conditioning cabinet shall be placed at ambient
(+21 degrees C.) temperature for not less than twelve hours be-
fore reconditioning to the applicable temperature, and static
fired. Simulated Fuze/Detonator.- A simulated Fuze/Det-
onator Assembly (Figure I) shall be assembled. This assembly
shall be utilized to simulate the XM439 fuze. An alternate
Fuze/Detonator when approved by DRDAR-QAR-Q, may be used in
place of the above.
This assembly shall be placed in the fuze cavity well of
the XM255 warhead (see Figure 2). pin receptacles (Dwg. 9271963
and Dwg. 9271962) shall be mated to the simulated Fuze/Detonator
Assembly. Each warhead and simulated Fuze/Detonator Assembly
shall be static fired within six minutes of removal from the
conditioning cabinet. Fire pulse shall be through the forward
umbilical connection (Dwg. 9260889).
NOTE: All local safety regulations shall be observed, and pre-
cautions taken consistent with the handling of loaded items
during assembly and firing.
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