| ![]() MIL-W-48299 (AR) Acceptance.- The warhead/simulated fuze detonator
assembly shall be fired by applying the electrical energy from
a sixteen (16) microfarad capacitor max., charged to a minimum
of 2.5 volts D.C. The fire pulse shall be through the forward
connector of the warhead/simulated fuze detonator assembly.
The warhead assembly shall be mated to an adapter, utilizing
the stub ACME thread on the warhead assembly. The static fire
test stand, the warhead assembly mating adapter, and recording
equipment used to measure all performance data and requirements
shall be approved by the procuring activity. Time shall be
recorded from zero time (time of fire pulse) to time to break
away (nose cone).
Observation shall be made to the number of tracer assem-
lies that have ignited and burned. Time from fire pulse to
the end of the tracer burn shall be recorded. In addition, ob-
servation shall be made for units that fail to fire, or exhibit
an outer case rupture, or exhibit an aft closure plug rupture,
exhibit incomplete payload expulsion, or exhibiting two or
more tracer assemblies, failing to fire. All assemblies in
the sample shall be fired. Any warhead that ruptures the outer
case or aft closure plug or expels the aft closure plug or
fails to fire or does not expel the payload completely or in
which eight or more tracers total per lot (24 warheads) and/or
two or more tracers per an individual warhead do not ignite
and burn for 4.0 seconds minimum shall be considered a defec-
tive. One or more defective shall be cause for lot rejection.
Any failure shall require a comprehensive analysis by the con-
tractor to determine the cause of the failure. The DCAS repre-
sentative shall indicate concurrence/nonconcurrence in the
analysis. The analysis shall be forwarded to the procuring
activity. Retest.- A retest may be performed after submission
of the analysis at the discretion of the procuring activity.
The retest shall consist of 16 warheads static fired at
each temperature. If one or more warheads fail any of the above
requirements, the lot shall be rejected (except tracer). During
retest, if 16 or more tracers total per lot (48 warheads) and/or
two or more tracers per an individual warhead do not ignite and
burn for 4.0 seconds minimum, the lot shall be rejected.
4.5.7 Hardness Test of Flechette - 28 Grain - (see Dwg.
9271956).- The test shall be performed using equipment in
accordance with 4.4.4. Any flechette sample that does not meet
the hardness requirement shall be considered defective. Two
or more defective shall be cause for lot rejection. A speci-
men shall be prepared for each flechette in the sample. Each
specimen shall be prepared and tested In accordance with Federal
Test Method Std. No. 151, Method 243.1.
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