| ![]() MIL-W-48299 (AR)
4.5.8 Flechette Inspection/Test (see Dwg. 9271956) -
Inspect three (3) pieces taken from each Flechette die stamping
machine five minutes after start, and every 30 minutes there-
after. Whenever any of the three pieces does not pass all in-
spections (paragraph, take three (3) additional
pieces and inspect. If any one of the latter three pieces fail
acceptance, stop the machine and notify the operator.
Operations for the applicable die stamping machine/die may con-
tinue when the discrepancy is found and corrected and an addi-
tional three (3) pieces pass the inspections of paragraph
This inspection/test shall be performed using equipment
in accordance with 4.4.4.
4.5.9 Warhead Charge Circuit Resistance (with XM439
Fuze).- Each lot of warhead/fuze assemblies (Dwg. 9298304)
shall be one-hundred percent subjected to a charge circuit
resistance test.
Each warhead umbilical connector shall be connected to
a pulsed continuity checking device. The resistance of the
charge circuit shall be ascertained with a negative DC pulse.
The pulse amplitude across a 10 megohm resistor minimum shall
be -5.0 VDC maximum in amplitude and 120 microseconds maximum
in duration. Pulse amplitude across a 2 ohm resistor shall
be -0.020 VDC maximum in amplitude and 120 microseconds maxi-
mum in duration. Any fuzed warhead failing the requirements
(paragraph 3.8) shall be classified as defective and removed
from the lot. This test shall be performed using equipment
in accordance with 4.4.4.
4.5.10 Umbilical Assembly Pull Test (see Dwg. 9297242).-
Two (2) nose cone assemblies (Dwg. 9297242) per four hour's
production of nose cone assemblies shall be selected at
random and subjected to an umbilical pull test.
Each assembly shall be held in a fixture in such a
manner enabling the umbilical assembly (Dwg, 9260889) to be
subjected to a five (5) pound pull test.
The umbilical assembly wire shall be firmly held at or
near the bushing (Dwg. 9297241) and a pull force of five (5)
.5 pounds shall be applied at a rate of one pound per second
.25 pounds to the connector (Dwg. 9260889).
At the completion of the pull test each assembly shall
be subjected to an electrical continuity test of individual
conductors. Any individual conductor not exhibiting electri-
cal continuity between the forward receptacle of the umbilical
assembly and the aft connector of the umbilical assembly shall
reject the previous four hours' production of nose cone assem-
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