| MIL-W-52125B
between the input and output shafts of the speed reducer. The angular measurement specified
herein shall apply when the drive belt or chain is correctly adjusted for tension.
3.10 Revolving scrubber. The revolving scrubber shall consist of a structural steel frame on
which is mounted a receiving hopper, a scrubber drum, a water system, and a discharge chute.
When the revolving scrubber is assembled for operation, the height of the top of the receiving
hopper shall be not more than 16 feet above the ground level.
3.10.1 Receiving hopper. A receiving hopper shall be provided to receive material from a
50-foot portable conveyor and feed the material into the scrubber drum by means of a chute.
3.10.2 Scrubber drum. The scrubber drum shall be not less than 48 inches in diameter by
8 feet in length and shall be constructed of steel plates not less than 3/8 inch in thickness, lined
with removable steel liner plates not less than 1/4 inch in thickness. The drum shall be provided
with two circumferential steel tires. Each tire shall ride on and be supported by two trunnion
rollers. The trunnion rollers shall run on antifriction bearings with waterproof and dustproof
housings. The drum shall be set at an axial slope with the horizontal such that the inlet end is
higher than the outlet end. The two trunnion rollers supporting the high end of the drum shall be
flat-faced. The two trunnion rollers supporting the low end of the drum hall be single-flanged,
and the flanges shall prevent uphill movement of the drum by contacting the supporting tire on
the drum. Downhill movement of the drum shall be prevented by a thrust roller contacting the
supporting tire at the low end of the drum. The thrust roller shall be mounted on a vertical shaft,
and shall run on antifriction bearings with waterproof and dustproof housings. The drum shall be
equipped with not less than six removable baffles or vanes not less than 3/8 inch thick arranged
to propel the materials away from the receiving end and deliver them toward the discharge chute.
Removable liners and vanes shall be made of steel conforming to ASTM A242. A supported
splash shield shall be provided at the discharge end of the drum to minimize spillage. Drum drive. The scrubber drum shall be driven (rotated) by a 10-horsepower (hp)
electric motor through roller chain, gears, or friction drive. Drum bearings. Bearings shall be of the greasable, antifriction type conforming to
FF-B-187, FF-B-185, or FF-B-171, type and class as applicable, and shall be of the bearing
manufacturer's recommended capacity for the application. Mounting of the bearings in a manner
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