| ![]() MIL-W-85057 (AS) Test Points. Test points shall be provided on the equipment
for intermediate and depot levels of maintenance. The test points shall
be compatible with the Ground Support Equipment (GSE) designated and planned
for Fleet use. To provide for those situations where the GSE is not avail-
able, all hardware shall have sufficient exposed or accessible test points
to permit use of standard Navy test equipment (oscilloscope, VOM, VTVM, etc.),
to permit, in the event of weapon replaceable assembly (WRA)/shop replaceable
assembly (SRA) substandard performance, ascertaining to the maximum extent
possible without ambiguity which module, component, or group of components is
at fault. Test points shall be exposed or accessible at each level of mainten-
ance of the WRA as necessary, and sufficient for intermediate and depot level
maintenance. The following guidelines shall also apply:
Duplication: Duplication of test points necessary for
built-in-test equipment (BITE), calibration, alignment,
adjustment, etc., is not required.
Protection: Each test point shall have loading or isolating
characteristics incorporated to prevent circuit damage in
the event any test point is accidentally connected to
Safety: Safety design and precautions shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-454, Requirement 1, MIL-STD-882, and MIL-STD-1472.
Multiple test points: Where multiple tests are required
on a WRA, multi-pin connectors may be used to facilitate
connection of the GSE or other test .equipment to the WRA.
l Modularization. The equipment shall be modularized to provide
WRAs and SRAs and be functionally modularized in accordance with AR-10. Module Commonality. The number of different types of modules
shall be kept to an absolute minimum. This standardization shall be mandatory
to ease the testing and spares requirements at all levels of maintenance.
Unused functions on a module are permitted if commonality is improved. The
requirements for employing standard hardware program modules in accordance
with MIL-STD-1378 shall be considered. Module Accessibility. The access to each module shall not
require the removal of adjacent modules or parts, other than access panels. Module Pins. Where printed circuit card or modular construction
is used, ground potential and operating voltages shall be assigned to pins of
all plug-in assemblies in a uniform manner so that a given potential is applied
to pins of the same number on all plug-in assemblies which utilize similar .
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